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The two key variants are Macaroni and Spaghetti. The Macaroni has three different cuts – Cavetto, Fusilli and Cornetti. Honeywell Pasta is produced in the superior true Italian tradition, hence the unique names of the macaroni cuts.

Honeywell Pasta is positioned in the market as one of the fastest selling pasta brands of superior quality.

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Honeywell Pasta comes in a unique and colourful packaging that stands out from the other pasta brands (Green). Honeywell Pasta’s quality is outstanding. It does not stick together or get soggy when cooked. Honeywell Pasta retains its freshness and firmness for much longer after preparation; so it can be prepared well ahead and kept in a cooler. This makes it a very good brand for sale by food vendors. Honeywell Pasta has a unique aroma and a pleasant taste. This makes it very pleasurable for eating. Honeywell Pasta swells up when cooked thus it gives a higher yield. This attribute is important for larger families as well as food vendors.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg

10, 15