About Us

Lifeways started out as a farming business in the South West of Nigeria, with maize      and cassava as its mainstay, these were sold to processors and commercial end users. As part of our expansion plan, we progressed to oil palm and plantain cultivation.

Some years later, it became necessary that we began processing our farm products by ourselves and we made the choice to focus on the ethnic, organic food sector with the conviction that this is the way forward in the current clime. It is important that we eat well and live well.

Our products are made to the finest of details, with no additives or preservatives, just as nature intended and made with the quality expected of products made for the United Kingdom

Our production team is made of men and women of simple means who understand the art of what we do, needless to say that they depend on us for the upkeep of their families. While we depend on you, our customers.

We promise good food of great quality.

Our Products
1. Plantain Flour
2. Cassava Flour
3. Beans Flour
4. Garri
5. Palm Oil
6. Locust Beans
7. Honey Beans
8. Wild African Rice (Ofada)

Jollof rice with fried plantains

Jollof rice with fried plantains Be the first to rate this recipe Jollof rice with fried plantains from Africa, Ghana and Nigeria especially is now…
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Plantain Flour Pancake Recipe - Vegan, Gluten-Free

Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cook Time: 30 minutes | Total Time: 40 minutes Plantain Flour Pancakes are Paleo and Vegan friendly, egg free, dairy free and made with green…
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You are here: Home / 15 mins recipes / Soaked Garri: Nigeria’s Legendary ‘cereal’ SOAKED GARRI: SOAKED GARRI: NIGERIA’S LEGENDARY CEREAL Soaked Garri ‘cereal’ is definitely a must try for…
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